How to Create a Transparent Proxy Mikrotik

How to Create a Transparent Proxy Mikrotik - Transparent Proxy is a concept that is transparent proxy configuration where the proxy client that connects to the proxy does not have proxy configuration setting or enter into your browser one by one. So the use of proxy will be much simpler and easier. Before we go any further it helps you read this article first explanation Mikrotik Web Proxy

Okay you've read the previous article, right? If we have further learned Mikrotik Web Proxy proxy makes its first non-transparent.

Creating Web Proxy Mikrotik

Please open Winbox and follow these steps:

1. Go to the menu IP -> Web Proxy in Winbox

2. To enable Web Proxy check the "Enabled"

3. Fill in the port that will be used by the Proxy. Just fill port 8080

4. Cache Administrator you can replace with your own email as its Admin

5. Max. Cache Size determines how much memory is allocated to store its cache proxy. Please fill in as needed or you may choose unlimited.

6. Check the Disk Cache On that disk storage is done on Mikrotik instead of RAM. Because it is usually hard Mikrotik more RAM than its bazaar.

7. Click Apply -> OK

Up here Web Proxy has been created. You can now use the Web Proxy Mikrotik but must configure the proxy settings in the browser you used to Mikrotik IP address and port 8080. Well, let ga browser settings complicated and make it simple we will activate the function Transparent Proxy.

Making Transparent Proxy Mikrotik

The workings of this by diverting Transparent Proxy (redirect) Traffic HTTP data (destination port 80) to the proxy port used is 8080. You do this by configuring its NAT Firewall

with chain = dstnat and redirect action. Here is his command:

ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=redirect to-ports=8080
or it could be through Winbox, enter the menu IP -> Firewall

On the General tab
Chain : dstnat
Protocol : tcp
Dst. Port : 80

Pada tab Action
Action : redirect
To Ports : 8080

Now Proxy Mikrotik  is Transparent. To test this, please open the IP menu -> Web Proxy in Winbox. Login Status tab and click on Connections. If they are there it means transparent Proxy Mikrotik already active

In addition you can also test it by opening a browser and enter the address of any error messages that occur. If Transparent Proxy Mikrotik is the way it will display an error message from her Mikrotik as shown below:

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